What is Cataclysm 3D/Project Warlock?

Cataclysm 3D – or as it will be known as upon release, Project Warlock – is an upcoming old-school FPS title similar to 90s shooters like Wolfenstein 3D and DOOM. The game was initially titled Exitium 3D before being renamed to Cataclysm 3D.

You take on the role of a mysterious and powerful mage who travels through dimensions and universes in an attempt to remove all evil from existence. The player will have an array of weapons and magic at their disposal to help them on their quest.

The game will have a total of 30 levels spanning over a series of 3 episodes, just like other games from the 90s such as Quake and Doom.

Why the graphical overhaul and name change?

The 18-year old developer started a Kickstarter campaign November 21st, 2016 in hopes of receiving the funding to cover the cost of the game’s submission to Steam Greenlight. By the end of the campaign, Cislo received just over twice the amount he had hope for, with €205.

[A screenshot of the game from the Greenlight page]

After submitting the game to Greenlight, it was met with harsh criticism and in some cases outright insulting remarks – mostly in relation to its graphics. Cislo later removed the game from Greenlight and hired a professional art designer to help improve the visuals. The outcome is a complete graphical overhaul, which you can see in the header image above.

As for his decision to rename the game for the second time, according to Cislo’s announcement on the Kickstarter page, he feels it “better reflects what the game is about”.

What new features will be included?

Along with the announcement of the graphical overhaul, Cislo also spoke about a few new features that will be added to the game. The first major addition is that the game will now have a HUB similar to that found in Quake, as opposed to the main menu episode selection of DOOM.

Players will start in the HUB, with access to doors that lead to each of the episodes. There will also be weapon upgrades introduced to the game. Players will be able to find upgrade points throughout the levels that can then be used in the HUB to make their weapons more powerful.

The third and final new feature will be that the Protagonist will have a voice over. The voice actor and personality of the protagonist is yet to be announced, but according to Cislo:

Rising from the ashes

Cislo is coming back strong from the harsh criticism and insulting remarks made while his game was on Steam Greenlight. While many would have simply given up or would have lashed back at the commenters of the Greenlight page, Cislo remained silent and continued to finding new ways to improve his game.

Here’s hoping that the improvements keep coming, and Project Warlock will be able to give its players what they need to scratch that old-school 90s FPS itch.