Humble Bundle has introduced “Humble Trove” in order to allow customers to play games that were exclusive rewards for Humble Monthly subscribers and otherwise unavailable elsewhere.

This library of prior exclusives and free offerings includes games like the over-the-top roadkill simulator Oh, Deer!, the surreal gardening-based puzzle game Starseed Pilgrim, and of course, the quirky and colorful 2D space shooter Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche.

Just to be clear, you do still need to be subscribed to the Humble Monthly service in order to play past Monthly exclusive games, but you no longer need to worry about missing out on a game you weren’t around for when it was new. Hopefully this service will provide some exposure for some quality titles that went by relatively unnoticed due to their manner of release.

You can take a look at the monthly trove on Humble Bundle’s website. If they look like something you want to check out, you can sign up for Humble Monthly for $12 a month.