He conversed with workers about Federal Labor’s arrangement for a superior future. He expressed gratitude toward everybody for halting for a visit.


Who Is Cassandra Fernando From Labor Party Australia? Cassandra Fernando is from Labor Party Australia and is a Labor possibility for the Labor-held seat of Holt, supplanting Anthony Byrne.

Fernando depicts herself as a baked good culinary specialist, traveler, and a supporter for fundamental laborers. Also, she addresses laborers in the retail and cheap food businesses. They battle for further developed pay and conditions.

Ladies’ Agenda announced Cassandra as a chipped in worker to guide travelers and exiles from non-English talking foundations. Moreover, she remains on the Labor party strategy stage in Australia.

Investigate Cassandra Fernando’s Age On Wikipedia Youthful age-looking up-and-comer Cassandra Fernando isn’t accessible on Wikipedia. Tragically, her age still can’t seem to uncover. Presumably, she is around 30 years of age.

In any case, a few media have included her on their locales. The glad transient is a Federal Labor Candidate for Holt. Starting her work at Woolies Dandenong Plaza as a youngster, she went through right around 15 years baking, staying, and making long lasting companions.

In case you haven’t caught up, Cassandra Fernando is going to be a terrific MP

She’s tenacious, passionate & spent her adult life fighting for working people#thisislabor #ausvotes pic.twitter.com/WcVdyWCJ58

— Pauline Richards (@MP4Cranbourne) May 14, 2022

As of now, she addresses laborers in the retail and inexpensive food enterprises. Works battle to work on the compensation and condition consistently.

Be that as it may, no one needs to pay attention to their voices. Along these lines, she chose to be an up-and-comer this year. Numerous fundamental laborers have worked eagerly all through the pandemic.

She chose to be the Candidate for Holt in light of the fact that she realize that main a Labor Government could convey a superior future for Holt. Fernando needs families living here to be not kept down or abandoned.

Find More About Cassandra Fernando’s Family and Ethnicity Cassandra Fernando is by all accounts from an Indian group of Indian nationality. In any case, it isn’t certain about her identity. Conversing with the ALP association, Cassandra came to Australia with her family at 11.

Fernando’s folks brought her up in the South-East of Melbourne. Cassandra told the media her folks helped her underestimate take nothing.

Her folks showed her three imparted values: difficult work, appreciation, and responsibility. She battles for a fair compensation for laborers. Similarly, her folks trained her to be thankful and never pass up on the amazing chance to reimburse the appreciation.

— Senator Raff Ciccone (@SenRaffCiccone) May 9, 2022