Rampage is close to a tower defense mode in Monster Hunter Rise. Monsters driven mad by the Rampage attack Kamura Village in swarms, and players must work with villagers to prepare in advance of Rampage attacks.

Fortunately, Rise gives plenty of warning about what’s in store, and Kamura is far from defenseless. Rampage preparation happens during specific quests that detail the type of monsters on the way. That knowledge helps decide which village defenses and installations to prioritize, such as cannons, ballistae, and traps.

Rampage monsters come in three distinct types. Those with blue icons try destroying your barricades, so they’re high priority. Red icon monsters are aggressive and target hunters, while green icon monsters launch projectiles to hassle defenders.

Each Rampage  features a major threat monster, larger, more difficult threats that need to take priority over all else when they appear. However, the biggest danger is when an Apex Monster turns up. These include some of Rise’s new monsters, and they stand the greatest chance of destroying defenses if left unchecked.

Successfully repelling monster waves increases stronghold levels, which unlocks new installations and makes surviving easier.

Monster Hunter Rise releases March 26 for Nintendo Switch, and the second MH Rise demo is available now. Rise will release on PC sometime in 2022.

Capcom Showcases Monster Hunter Rise Rampage Quests   Monster Hunter Rise - 20