Take the pulse of gamers nearing (or in) their 30s, and you’ll probably find that many of them fondly remember the series. For its time, Onimusha was somewhat of a game-changer. 

Originally conceived as a Resident Evil title, Onimusha luckily shirked the obvious trappings of that shambling, yet well-made, series to become something unique in its own right. However, despite its popularity and position in the gaming zeitgeist, there hasn’t been a proper Onimusha game in more than a decade. And for some incomprehensible reason, not more than a whisper of an HD remake or remaster has crept out onto the internet. 

I mean, does Capcom hate money? 

Of course, that’s pejorative and they wouldn’t be in the business of making games if they did actually hate money. However, it’s odd we haven’t seen more from the mainline series since the arguably mediocre Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams in 2006. With multitudinous gamers ready to open their wallets and pocketbooks for a new Onimusha game, it’s incomprehensible that the series has laid dormant for so long. 

In 2017, we got a taste of what a modern Onimusha title would look and play like on modern consoles with Bandai Namco’s Nioh. I loved the game, but something about it seemed missing. It’s not something I can put my finger on (perhaps it was the absence of Capcom’s signature touch or the grip of nostalgia), but whatever it was, I can assuredly say Nioh was two distinct things: a fantastic action role-playing game and a catalyst that reignited my desire for a true Onimusha game. 

Recently, reps for Capcom said during a call with investors that the company is open to further remakes of classic franchises from their storied rolodex. And of course, the obvious question is if Onimusha will be on that list. 

The signs currently point to … maybe. Aside from the aforementioned admission of further potential remakes, Capcom filed several trademarks earlier this year around the Onimusha name. Despite no news of the game breaking at this year’s E3, it’s obvious that something’s afoot. If you’ve followed the game industry for any period of time, you know that trademark filings can sometimes be red herrings, but other times, they’re indicative of something more. Ultimately, we’ll have to wait and see. 

Although it’s not a sure bet Capcom is currently (at least) in the early development stages for a new Onimusha game, my money’s on an E3 2019 reveal, especially with the company’s marketing efforts currently focused on the January 25, 2019 release of the Resident Evil 2 remake. 

But, you know, I’ve been wrong before … 

What do you think? Is it time for Capcom to release an Onimusha remake? Let us know in the comments below.