Ken’s new haircut that came with the updates is what has the Fighting Game Community button’s in a jam. Quiet a few characters received new looks but Ken’s military, Johnny Cage looking hair cut is definitely the least favorite. The characters that have new outfits are:

Chun-Li & Vega

R. Mika & Cammy

Rashid too!


The original reveal of Ken’s new hairstyle and outfit for Street Fighter V was accepted with open arms, although with the original reveal some gamers noted he does look a bit darker than usual. That could just be the determination right? Ryu always looks angry and no one gives him guff so let Ken have his angry face.

While many gamers weren’t thrown off by Ken’s new look, others did make fun of his bangs saying they look like bananas. SFV producer, Yoshinori Ono defended Ken’s new look, saying:


SFV players seem to only have a problem with Ken’s new appearance, as there hasn’t been any disapproval over other characters’ outfits. In fact, many  players have protested the look with parody images and memes. You can see a few of these below.